Export Compliance
Export Compliance Policy
Diverse Optics is dedicated to full and complete compliance with all U.S. Export laws and regulations applicable to the conduct of its business, including the laws, regulations, and procedures of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and the U.S. Department of State International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), and any other U.S. statute or regulation. Diverse Optics will not knowingly engage in any illegal activity under any circumstances and will not condone or support the illegal activity of any party with which it has dealings. In furtherance of our strict export compliance policy, Diverse Optics is dedicated to the development of systems designed to identify the legal requirements applicable to our activities, the development of programs and internal controls to insure that those requirements are met, and the providing of clear and correct information to applicable enforcement and administration agencies such as the EAR and DDTC.
Diverse Optics will continually strive to strengthen its efforts to assure compliance with its export compliance policy and its standards of conduct. The mechanisms set in place to ensure compliance with these laws, and to ensure that our products are going where and doing what the purchaser claims may take time to carry out. It is a fact of international business that not all countries are requiring their businesses to follow such strict procedures in export. Our goal is to keep our products out of the hands of those who would use them to harm others, regardless of whether or not legal compliance on our end can be proved. Export laws do allow us to prepare for such instances with larger and regular foreign customers, minimizing the time that it takes for approval using multiple end-user licenses obtained after receiving End User Statements from end-use customers. We need to anticipate customers’ needs beforehand and have license approvals as far along in the process as possible to minimize the time it takes for our products to be released to our customers. Regardless of the length of the wait involved, the urgency of our customers, the effect on sales goals, or any other matter, adherence to the export compliance policies must be followed.
For guidance on export rules and regulations relating to an order please contact us to arrange a discussion with our Compliance Officer.